Are You Feeding Into Your Younger Child’s Sense of Entitlement?

It’s natural to want your children to succeed at any age, but overindulging or sheltering them can backfire. Some experts talk about an entitlement epidemic, making it more difficult for the next generation of adults to develop realistic expectations and interact with others. In any case, over-parenting can undermine a child’s self-confidence and make them less resilient.
What is the best way to balance caring for your child while helping them be independent and appreciative? Find out how to turn an entitlement mentality into healthy self-respect with these proven strategies.
Strategies to Use with Your Child

At an early age, it’s natural for children to feel like they’re the center of the world. As a parent, it’s your job to teach them how to respect others and accommodate their needs.
1. Set limits early. If you’re tempted to spoil your child, think about how their future classmates and coworkers are likely to respond to their demands. Youngsters who learn to cooperate and compromise will be better prepared for the future.
2. Clarify the rules. Children need consistency. Enforce regular bedtimes and screen their TV viewing. It will help them follow the rules when they start to play school sports or drive a car.
3. Share responsibilities. Household tasks are a practical way to teach collaboration, and kids will see how they can contribute to a happy household.
4. Show gratitude. Birthdays and holidays can inspire appreciation rather than greed. Make sending thank you notes fun. Let your child choose the stationery and draw pictures if they’re struggling to find the appropriate words.
5. Teach financial responsibility. No matter how old one is, they can start to understand the fundamentals of sticking to a budget and saving up their money for special occasions. Try buying your child a basic phone plan, and let them use their allowance to purchase extra minutes and features.
6. Encourage conversation. Parents sometimes buy merchandise for children because they’re too tired to spend meaningful time together. Take a road trip without any distractions. Count road signs or sing songs.
7. Value effort and learning. Despite what we think, we never stop learning at any age. Guide your children toward developing a positive self-image. Praise them for gaining knowledge and taking risks instead of focusing on rewards.

Strategies Just For You
Your children will follow your example, so ask yourself what role model you’re providing. Examining your entitlement issues may be revealing.

1. Give yourself credit. Each of us wants to feel special. And do things our way sometimes. Being willing to put aside your preferences is a big first step. Congratulate yourself on being aware of your tendencies and open to changing them.
2. Practice giving. You’ll soon find that curbing your sense of entitlement is no sacrifice, and being generous usually makes you happier than attempting to fulfill your wishes. Plus, your relationships with others will probably become closer and more harmonious.
3. Simplify your lifestyle. Modern life bombards us with advertisements urging us to spend more. Keep material possessions in perspective.
4. Hold yourself accountable. Do you take responsibility for your actions or blame others when things go wrong? Your children may stop making excuses if they see you taking ownership of your own decisions.
5. Consider counselling. Ironically, an exaggerated sense of entitlement can also be caused by feeling deprived as a child. Talking with a counsellor may help if you need extra assistance.

You can give your child love and attention without feeling pressured to do their homework or buy them truckloads of expensive gadgets. Managing entitlement issues will help your child have a happier and more satisfying life.