Fine tuning your affirmations to empower you

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

To “affirm” something is to declare that it is true. In the context of self- development, affirmations are statements of truths that we want to draw deeply into ourselves and our lives: truths whose energy we want to absorb wholeheartedly, and, ultimately, pass on to others. 

To generate the most impact, we repeat these statements aloud or silently, over and over again, until they become an integral part of who we are. I also call them incantations, although some people prefer the term mantra. To make a change, the affirmation must involve your mind, body and spirit.  It must also pass the “gut-test”.  Simply knowing a truth is not enough unless you act upon it. 

A few examples of affirmation statements are:

  • I am filled with energy and joy.
  • I am courageous.
  • I am a strong person who stands up for herself.
  • I am at peace.
  • I am a voice that matters.

Notice that these statements are focused on you in the now, not in the future.

Some people balk at creating affirmations for themselves because they think it’s silly to say that you’re something you’re not. 

For example, take the affirmation “I am courageos.” Is it wrong to tell yourself that you’re courageous if you’re not? My first response to that question is: what makes you so certain that you’re not courageous? I can assure you that deep down in your psyche you possess profound courage. 

Perhaps in your present circumstances you’re not feeling particularly brave, but your innate courage is still there waiting to be tapped into. Acknowledge it and bring it forth! Every time you declare that you are courageous (or joyful or strong or whatever), you rewire your brain—and the energy of the universe—to make it so. 

The moment I started creating my affirmations, I felt a discernable shift in my attitude. I knew that I was onto something and it was going to be good. 

Begin by making a list of your limiting beliefs and judgments about yourself. Then, beside each limiting belief, write an opposing positive statement which would become your affirmation.

Here is my list:

My limiting beliefs: What I’ve moved to:

My voice does not matter. My whisper plants seeds that grow into great things.

I am insignificant. I am essence itself.

I am not good in a crowd. My presence is powerful. 

I am failing as a mother. I am the best mom my girls have. 

I do not connect with people. I connect deeply with others.

I am always misunderstood. I am articulate.

I cannot handle conflict. I am courageous and face my fears.

To remind myself of my strength and inner power and to bring forth my true self, I practice saying my positive affirmations, out loud and silently, every day. It has become a habit that I look forward to. Sometimes I say them in the shower. Other times I say them while I’m driving or running on the treadmill. 

And—this is important—I always say them whenever one of my old limiting beliefs crosses my mind.

After writing out your list, you may have questions about what to do next. If you feel you need some support, let me know how I can help. 

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