
I support family enterprises who are ready to clarify their purpose, resolve conflict, and amplify their wealth.

Danielle’s commitment and passion for positive growth in individuals and families stems not only from her own learning journey and experiences, but also her advanced coaching studies and experiences. Harnessing positivity and opportunity-based thinking, Danielle demonstrates her caring, nurturing and mentoring nature with her actions and her words.

She has the ability to balance complex situations with a level head and utilize her wisdom, diplomacy and candor to bring different stakeholders together. I am grateful to have spent time in several different group-based, learning interactive environments to see Danielle shine.

- Kirby Rosplock PhD, CEO, Tamarind Partners

There is a proverbial saying that translates throughout the world: Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.

There is a worldwide phenomenon of 70% failure rate in wealth transition from 1st to 2nd generation, only 10-15% makes it to the 3rd generation and only 3-5% of family wealth make it to the 4th generation.

That's over a 90% failure rate of wealth transition past 3 generations!


50% Of parents worry about having their initiatives ruined by affluence.


85% Of the failure in wealth is due to lack of trust and communication and preparing heirs


15% Is from tax considerations, legal issues and mission planning


80% Of all businesses worldwide are owned by families


30% Of Fortune 500 companies are family controlled

Why does this matter?

The traditional approach to succession planning typically focuses on the technical aspects of wealth – the financial capital – such as tax minimization and capital preservation. Wealth is much more then that – to succeed in succession you must focus on the other forms of capital – especially the family and human capital. This is what will allow you to prosper, grow and endure.

Live Your Legacy is my motto. Live today for what you want to be remembered for. Be the person now that you want people to tell stories about tomorrow.

Developing human capital is the core focus of my coaching philosophy.

I am committed to enhance self-confidence, be clear on vision and values, clarify purpose, resolving conflict, improve communication, encourage transparency, set focused smart goals, push you passed your comfort zone, amplify your total wealth and live a life in harmony.


Legacy Coach

As a Legacy Coach my focus is on fulfilling your legacy and achieving Harmony. I have a discovery session to see where the client is now. There is an introduction to some coaching tools such as the wheel of life. Are you living your legacy? Are you in Harmony? Are you clear on your purpose? In exploring these questions we further discover where you want to be.

Through a 6 session program I equip my clients with tools to keep moving forward. Clear action plans are set. Together we will process the issues and explore areas such as your strengths, values, vision, what's holding you back and I will challenge you, champion you and be your accountability partner in the goals you set to live your dream, live your legacy, live your purpose. Be who you are truly meant to be, Authentically your "Self". Live in Harmony. Be free of conflict. In this is the true essence of clarifying your purpose.

As this unfolds and clarity is gained we shift. In this shift, conflict is resolved.

"Peace is not absent of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means."

- Ronald Regan

Family Enterprise Advisor

As a Family Enterprise Advisor over and above fulfilling your legacy and achieving harmony in yourself and your family is the focus on amplifying your wealth by shifting your focus to the human capital portion in your wealth equation.

I bring clarity to what it is to be an Enterprising Family.

We define Legacy and identify the wish by bottom lining your future vision. We explore questions such as "Does your family have a compelling vision that encourages family unity and ensures long-term wealth creation?"

We further explore areas such as governance, leadership, relationships and strategy. I introduce tools such as the three circle model to identify clear roles. And I encourage the multi-professional approach. There is power in a great TEAM: "T"ogether "E"veryone "A"chievs "M"ore.

The focus is on Stewardship throughout the generations vs entitlement.

My goal is to help families like mine not be the proverbial statistic "shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations" but achieve their 100 year plan and see their family prosper in wealth and harmony. I have the advantage of having lived through and am a true example of achieving harmony by going through the process.

As one family said "the process is not as slow as a snail, it's as slow as a sloth - sometimes you don't see the movement but the progress is priceless."

 "Legacy is not leaving something for people, it's leaving something in people."

- Peter Strople

Wealth Education Facilitator

I've successfully finished the inaugural Wealth Education Facilitator Training with Tamarind Learning! This extensive program has armed me with the skills to craft personalized learning plans and deliver an immersive learning experience for wealth inheritors. I take pride in being a contributor to this pioneering initiative in wealth education.

""An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.""

- Benjamin Franklin


As a speaker I share my story and life learnings.

I speak of my desire to change the statistics of 91% failure rate of wealth transition to the 3rd generation and emphasis the importance of focusing on the human capital and family relationships by communicating and being transparent.

How we include our younger generation and make clear the values in our family traditions is a first step. How else are you as a family building trust, unity, harmony, goodwill and a sense of stewardship?

The language we use is very important and impactful. When talking about the 1st generation we aim at transitioning them up not out. When we speak of extended family members they are "in"-laws not "out"-laws. When turning to the younger generation be clear that they are a voice vs a vote and there is a difference between secrecy and privacy.

As a speaker my goal is to increase awareness for awareness is the first step to change.

"We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware it is impossible not to change."

Sheryl Sandberg

My Book Has Launched!

Interactive Decision Tree Tool for Continuity Planning